陈启英  Chi-Ying Chen
状态 专任
姓名 陈启英 Chi-Ying Chen
职称 教授
学历 美国爱达荷州立大学教育博士
专长 媒介消费与阅听人研究、 传播科技与文化、媒体识读教育
研究室 H616
个人分机 1823
连结 教师历程档案教师个人网站在校时程表
年度 论文名称
2023 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*, Self-disclosure on social media: Examining the factors of connectedness, escapism, and social comparison, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.2685, 2023
2022 Yeni Rosilawati、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Social Marketing Campaign in Tobacco Control: A Comparative Analysis of Indonesia and Taiwan, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol.9 pp.146-150, 2022
2021 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、MIKE KEARNEY, Belief in or Identification of False News According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, International Journal of Communication, vol.15 pp.1263-1285, 2021
2020 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*, Smartphone addiction: Psychological and social factors predict the use and abuse of a social mobile application, Information Communication & Society, vol.23 no.3 pp.454-467, 2020
2019 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Moderating effects of information-oriented versus escapism-oriented motivations on the relationship between psychological well-being and problematic use of video game live-streaming services, Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2019
2018 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Self-presentation and counterstereotypic gender strategies in social media campaigning: An example from Taiwan's presidential election, Journal of Information and Telecommunication, vol.3 no.1 pp.95-114, 2018
2017 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), User-orientated perspective of social media used by campaigns, TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, vol.3 no.4 pp.811-820, 2017
2017 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), APP campaigning: How presidential candidates present themselves by LINE and the responses of voters in the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol.9 no.1 pp.51-55, 2017
2017 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*, Facebook campaigning: Political presentations and the electronic word-of-mouth based on a functional approach, International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications, vol.3 no.3 pp.10-14, 2017
2016 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Witty or wicked? The predictors and impact of agreement with user-generated political satires, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol.8 no.3 pp.25-30, 2016
2015 张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、、, More than popularity matters:How would voters like to get social networking with candidates, International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology, vol.3 no.2 pp.50-57, 2015
2014 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), 从网志到微网志:社群媒体应用于政治传播的长期观察 (From Blogs to Microblogs: A Long Term Study of Applying Social Media for Political Communication), Journal of Information Communication, 资讯传播研究, vol.5 no.1 pp.1-14, 2014
2013 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Social networking sites vs. Official websites:使用者如何看待候选人社群网站暨官网, 传播文化, vol.12 pp.41-73, 2013
2013 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Is the video game a cultural vehicle?, Games and Culture, vol.8 no.6 pp.408-427, 2013
2011 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 网站可信度认证:概念、论证暨运作模式初探, 新闻学研究/Mass Communication Research, vol.106 pp.249-283, 2011
2010 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、徐圣均(sheng Chun Hsu), 媒介依赖、使用动机与竞选部落格可信度之关联性 (Media Dependency, Motivations and Perceived Credibility of Political Blog), Journal of Information Communication, 资讯传播研究, vol.1 no.1 pp.1-25, 2010
2008 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、SHAO-LIANG CHANG, An exploration of the tendency to Online Game Addiction due to user’s liking of designing features, Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, vol.3 no.1-4 pp.38-51, 2008
年度 书名
2021 Shuhui Sophy Cheng、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Knowledge Innovation on Design and Culture, To Believe or Not to Believe: The Impact of Dual-Route Factors on Individuals’ Perception of False News on Social Media, World Scientific, Jan. 2021
2016 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 战斗与力量, 虚拟偶像的发展模式, 国立交通大学出版社, Jan. 2016
发表日期 论文名称
2022.11 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), A Study on the Application of Manga in Public Health Communication in Taiwan: A Big Data Analysis of Social Media , The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management, Nov. 2022, Taiwan/ Taichung
2021.07 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Self, Disclosure on Social Media: Examining the Factors of Connectedness, Escapism, and Social Comparison - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Managemen, Jul. 2021, Taichung, Chaoyang University
2021.05 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Semiotics and use of disease anthropomorphic manga: Analysis of big data from social media , International Conference of Culture, Technological Issues in Communication and the Reflection on Media in the Pandemic Era, May. 2021, Taipei, Shih-Hsin University
2020.08 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), To believe or not to believe: The impact of dual, route factors on individuals’ perception of false news on social media - International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Aug. 2020, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2020.05 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Factors Influencing Identification of Fake News on Facebook , International Conference on Modern Management and Innovation, May. 2020, Taiwan/Hsinchu
2019.10 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Factors Associated with Belief in Fake News: From the Perspective of Elaboration Likelihood and Moderating Effect Model , Comparative Approaches to Disinformation, Oct. 2019, USA/ Massachusetts/ Harvard University
2019.07 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), A Trusting News Ecosystem against Fake News from Humanity and Technology Perspectives , The International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2019) , Jul. 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia
2019.02 郑淑慧、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Problematic use of live video streaming services: Impact of personality traits, psychological factors, and motivations , International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, Feb. 2019, Malaysia, Penang
2018.09 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), The current status and future aspects in the research of smartphone use and abuse , International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Sep. 2018, Japan, Fukuoka
2018.07 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), A Social influence Account of Problematic Smartphone Use , The 7th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC 2018), Jul. 2018, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA
2018.07 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张轩瑜(Syuan-Yu Chang), Factors predict the sincere and virtual self, presentation on Facebook - The 4th International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Jul. 2018, Tokyo/Japan
2018.02 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、沈廷翰(Ting Han Shen), Factors predict the addiction to viewing live webcasts , The 3rd International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management, Feb. 2018, Japan/ Osaka
2017.11 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), See me on LINE: Examining individual’s psychological and social predictors for the addictive use of the social App , International Conference on Current Research in Business, Management and Information Technology, Nov. 2017, HongKong
2017.06 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), SNS vs. App campaigning: Candidate’s self, presentation on Facebook and LINE - The 14th ITS Asia-Pacific Conference, Jun. 2017, Japan, Kyoto
2016.11 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), Self, presentation strategies on candidate Facebook page and the influence on electronic word-of-mouth - The International Symposium on Advanced and Applied Convergence, Nov. 2016, South Korea/ Jeju island
2016.08 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、Tang Wei Lin, LINE communication in the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election , The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Aug. 2016, Okinawa, Japan
2016.08 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、Man Ting Pan, Explore the impact of satirical user, generated content in 2015 Taiwanese presidential election - The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Aug. 2016, Okinawa, Japan
2016.08 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、林欣颖(Hsin Yen Lin), Strategies to structure the Facebook messages during the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election , The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Aug. 2016, Okinawa, Japan
2015.11 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Voters’ Preferred Mode of Social Networking with Political Candidate: Comparison of Blogs and Facebook , The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced and Applied Convergence, Nov. 2015, South Korea, Seoul
2015.10 沈奕廷、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 虚拟偶像「初音ミク」的过去、现在与未来 , 第四届御宅文化国际学术研讨会, Oct. 2015, 国立交通大学 新竹
2015.06 政治人物脸书的使用与避免 , 2015数码科技与创新管理研讨会, Jun. 2015, 华梵大学
2013.06 李承远、吴淑梅、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), 导入社群网站于国中数学等差数列单元有效学习 之研究-以活动理论为架构 , 2013 经营管理暨会计信息论与实务研讨会, Jun. 2013, 台中/台湾
2013.06 陈冠仲、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 云端运算服务应用于救灾救护指挥派遣系统之研究 , 2013 经营管理暨会计信息论与实务研讨会, Jun. 2013, 台中/台湾
2013.06 吴政颍、陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), 导入社群网站于国小学童阅读学习成效之研究, 以活动理论为架构 - 2013 经营管理暨会计信息论与实务研讨会, Jun. 2013, 台中/台湾
2013.05 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 线上游戏中权力体现之初探 , 2013数码内容与多媒体应用研讨会, May. 2013, 台湾苗栗
2013.01 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张文维, 社群媒体资讯丰富度、成员资讯分享与合购意愿之关联性研究 , The 9th International Conference on Knowledge Community, Jan. 2013, 文化大学
2012.01 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、谢昀霖, Web 2.0改变下民众对竞选社群网站之使用动机与可信度认知 , 第八届传播管理发展与趋势学术研讨会, Jan. 2012, 台湾台北
2012.01 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、侯任鸿, 运用扩增实敬制作数码教材之探讨 , 2012 数码与科技生活创新应用学术研讨会, Jan. 2012, 台湾桃园
2011.06 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen)、张少樑(Chang, Shao-Liang), Is the fad for Japanese culture returning? :Explore the cultural impacts of videogame on the game generation in Taiwan , ITS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Jun. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
2010.01 选举部落格使用动机、可信度及其相关性探讨 , 2010资讯传播学术研讨会, Jan. 2010, 台湾台中(静宜大学)
2009.05 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 拍卖制度和卖方讯息与网络竞标意愿之相关分析-一个以知觉风险和信任态度为中介变向的模式初探 , 2009第五届知识社群研讨会 , May. 2009, 台湾台北
2008.06 Relationship between Online Game Addiction and User’s Liking of Design Features , International Conference on Information Technology and Application , Jun. 2008, Cairns, Australia
2008.06 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 风险知觉与口碑传播对消费者参与网络合购意愿之相关分析 , 2008新媒体设计、传播与科技应用国际学术研讨会。台湾桃园 , Jun. 2008, 台湾桃园
2007.11 陈启英(Chi-Ying Chen), 从消费文化探讨日本电玩之影响 , 2007台湾资讯社会研究学会年会暨论文研讨会 , Nov. 2007, 台湾新竹
2007.05 Beyond Literacy Ability: Another way to explore media literacy education , Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences , May. 2007, Hawaii, USA
2006.10 以传播理论探讨数码落差现象与研究方向 , 2006数码落差与数码学习研讨会 , Oct. 2006, 台湾台中
奖项名称 颁奖单位
最佳创新教材奖 ( Award for Excellence in Innovative Teaching Material) 本校
最佳创新教材奖 ( Award for Excellence in Innovative Teaching Material) 本校
优秀导师奖 (Award for Excellence in Mentoring) 本校
优秀教学奖 (Award for Excellence in Teaching) 本校
优秀研究奖 (Award for Excellence in Research) 本校
第二届中部地区资讯专题成果竞赛数码内容组佳作 中部地区四校联赛主办单位
2010年资讯传播学术研讨会最佳论文奖 (Award for the Excellent Conference Paper) 资讯传播学会 ( Information Communication Society)
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
研究所硕士班 EP200053A 传播策略与行销设计 113
大学日间部 EP300053A 传播伦理与法规 113
大学日间部 EP300053B 传播伦理与法规 113
年度 名称
102 社群媒体资讯丰富度、成员知识分享与合购意愿之关联性研究
102 沉浸理论观点检视线上游戏玩家之权力体现