Status | Full-Time |
Name | Chi-Ying Chen |
Position | Professor |
Education | Ph.D. in Education Communication & Technology, University of Idaho |
Research Areas | Media Effect, Internet Communication, Technology And Culture, Media Literacy |
Office | H616 |
Extension | 1823 |
Websites | Personal Portfolio、Personal Website、Office Hour |
Year | Paper Title |
2023 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*, Self-disclosure on social media: Examining the factors of connectedness, escapism, and social comparison, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.2685, 2023 |
2022 | Yeni Rosilawati、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Social Marketing Campaign in Tobacco Control: A Comparative Analysis of Indonesia and Taiwan, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol.9 pp.146-150, 2022 |
2021 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、MIKE KEARNEY, Belief in or Identification of False News According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, International Journal of Communication, vol.15 pp.1263-1285, 2021 |
2020 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*, Smartphone addiction: Psychological and social factors predict the use and abuse of a social mobile application, Information Communication & Society, vol.23 no.3 pp.454-467, 2020 |
2019 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Moderating effects of information-oriented versus escapism-oriented motivations on the relationship between psychological well-being and problematic use of video game live-streaming services, Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2019 |
2018 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Self-presentation and counterstereotypic gender strategies in social media campaigning: An example from Taiwan's presidential election, Journal of Information and Telecommunication, vol.3 no.1 pp.95-114, 2018 |
2017 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), User-orientated perspective of social media used by campaigns, TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, vol.3 no.4 pp.811-820, 2017 |
2017 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), APP campaigning: How presidential candidates present themselves by LINE and the responses of voters in the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol.9 no.1 pp.51-55, 2017 |
2017 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*, Facebook campaigning: Political presentations and the electronic word-of-mouth based on a functional approach, International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications, vol.3 no.3 pp.10-14, 2017 |
2016 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Witty or wicked? The predictors and impact of agreement with user-generated political satires, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol.8 no.3 pp.25-30, 2016 |
2015 | 張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)*、、, More than popularity matters:How would voters like to get social networking with candidates, International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology, vol.3 no.2 pp.50-57, 2015 |
2014 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), 從網誌到微網誌:社群媒體應用於政治傳播的長期觀察 (From Blogs to Microblogs: A Long Term Study of Applying Social Media for Political Communication), Journal of Information Communication, 資訊傳播研究, vol.5 no.1 pp.1-14, 2014 |
2013 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Social networking sites vs. Official websites:使用者如何看待候選人社群網站暨官網, 傳播文化, vol.12 pp.41-73, 2013 |
2013 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Is the video game a cultural vehicle?, Games and Culture, vol.8 no.6 pp.408-427, 2013 |
2011 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 網站可信度認證:概念、論證暨運作模式初探, 新聞學研究/Mass Communication Research, vol.106 pp.249-283, 2011 |
2010 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、徐聖均(sheng Chun Hsu), 媒介依賴、使用動機與競選部落格可信度之關聯性 (Media Dependency, Motivations and Perceived Credibility of Political Blog), Journal of Information Communication, 資訊傳播研究, vol.1 no.1 pp.1-25, 2010 |
2008 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、SHAO-LIANG CHANG, An exploration of the tendency to Online Game Addiction due to user’s liking of designing features, Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, vol.3 no.1-4 pp.38-51, 2008 |
Year | Book Title |
2021 | Shuhui Sophy Cheng、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Knowledge Innovation on Design and Culture, To Believe or Not to Believe: The Impact of Dual-Route Factors on Individuals’ Perception of False News on Social Media, World Scientific, Jan. 2021 |
2016 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 戰鬥與力量, 虛擬偶像的發展模式, 國立交通大學出版社, Jan. 2016 |
Date of Publication | Paper Title |
2022.11 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), A Study on the Application of Manga in Public Health Communication in Taiwan: A Big Data Analysis of Social Media , The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management, Nov. 2022, Taiwan/ Taichung |
2021.07 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Self, Disclosure on Social Media: Examining the Factors of Connectedness, Escapism, and Social Comparison - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Managemen, Jul. 2021, Taichung, Chaoyang University |
2021.05 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Semiotics and use of disease anthropomorphic manga: Analysis of big data from social media , International Conference of Culture, Technological Issues in Communication and the Reflection on Media in the Pandemic Era, May. 2021, Taipei, Shih-Hsin University |
2020.08 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), To believe or not to believe: The impact of dual, route factors on individuals’ perception of false news on social media - International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Aug. 2020, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
2020.05 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Factors Influencing Identification of Fake News on Facebook , International Conference on Modern Management and Innovation, May. 2020, Taiwan/Hsinchu |
2019.10 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Factors Associated with Belief in Fake News: From the Perspective of Elaboration Likelihood and Moderating Effect Model , Comparative Approaches to Disinformation, Oct. 2019, USA/ Massachusetts/ Harvard University |
2019.07 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), A Trusting News Ecosystem against Fake News from Humanity and Technology Perspectives , The International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2019) , Jul. 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia |
2019.02 | 鄭淑慧、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Problematic use of live video streaming services: Impact of personality traits, psychological factors, and motivations , International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, Feb. 2019, Malaysia, Penang |
2018.09 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), The current status and future aspects in the research of smartphone use and abuse , International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Sep. 2018, Japan, Fukuoka |
2018.07 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), A Social influence Account of Problematic Smartphone Use , The 7th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC 2018), Jul. 2018, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA |
2018.07 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張軒瑜(Syuan-Yu Chang), Factors predict the sincere and virtual self, presentation on Facebook - The 4th International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Jul. 2018, Tokyo/Japan |
2018.02 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、沈廷翰(Ting Han Shen), Factors predict the addiction to viewing live webcasts , The 3rd International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management, Feb. 2018, Japan/ Osaka |
2017.11 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), See me on LINE: Examining individual’s psychological and social predictors for the addictive use of the social App , International Conference on Current Research in Business, Management and Information Technology, Nov. 2017, HongKong |
2017.06 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), SNS vs. App campaigning: Candidate’s self, presentation on Facebook and LINE - The 14th ITS Asia-Pacific Conference, Jun. 2017, Japan, Kyoto |
2016.11 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), Self, presentation strategies on candidate Facebook page and the influence on electronic word-of-mouth - The International Symposium on Advanced and Applied Convergence, Nov. 2016, South Korea/ Jeju island |
2016.08 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、Tang Wei Lin, LINE communication in the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election , The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Aug. 2016, Okinawa, Japan |
2016.08 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、Man Ting Pan, Explore the impact of satirical user, generated content in 2015 Taiwanese presidential election - The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Aug. 2016, Okinawa, Japan |
2016.08 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、林欣穎(Hsin Yen Lin), Strategies to structure the Facebook messages during the 2016 Taiwanese presidential election , The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Aug. 2016, Okinawa, Japan |
2015.11 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), Voters’ Preferred Mode of Social Networking with Political Candidate: Comparison of Blogs and Facebook , The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced and Applied Convergence, Nov. 2015, South Korea, Seoul |
2015.10 | 沈奕廷、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 虛擬偶像「初音ミク」的過去、現在與未來 , 第四屆御宅文化國際學術研討會, Oct. 2015, 國立交通大學 新竹 |
2015.06 | 政治人物臉書的使用與避免 , 2015數位科技與創新管理研討會, Jun. 2015, 華梵大學 |
2013.06 | 李承遠、吳淑梅、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), 導入社群網站於國中數學等差數列單元有效學習 之研究-以活動理論為架構 , 2013 經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 臺中/臺灣 |
2013.06 | 陳冠仲、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG)、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 雲端運算服務應用於救災救護指揮派遣系統之研究 , 2013 經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 臺中/臺灣 |
2013.06 | 吳政潁、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(SHAO-LIANG CHANG), 導入社群網站於國小學童閱讀學習成效之研究, 以活動理論為架構 - 2013 經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 臺中/臺灣 |
2013.05 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 線上遊戲中權力體現之初探 , 2013數位內容與多媒體應用研討會, May. 2013, 台灣苗栗 |
2013.01 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張文維, 社群媒體資訊豐富度、成員資訊分享與合購意願之關聯性研究 , The 9th International Conference on Knowledge Community, Jan. 2013, 文化大學 |
2012.01 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、謝昀霖, Web 2.0改變下民眾對競選社群網站之使用動機與可信度認知 , 第八屆傳播管理發展與趨勢學術研討會, Jan. 2012, 台灣台北 |
2012.01 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、侯任鴻, 運用擴增實敬製作數位教材之探討 , 2012 數位與科技生活創新應用學術研討會, Jan. 2012, 台灣桃園 |
2011.06 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、張少樑(Chang, Shao-Liang), Is the fad for Japanese culture returning? :Explore the cultural impacts of videogame on the game generation in Taiwan , ITS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Jun. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan |
2010.01 | 選舉部落格使用動機、可信度及其相關性探討 , 2010資訊傳播學術研討會, Jan. 2010, 台灣台中(靜宜大學) |
2009.05 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 拍賣制度和賣方訊息與網路競標意願之相關分析-一個以知覺風險和信任態度為中介變向的模式初探 , 2009第五屆知識社群研討會 , May. 2009, 台灣台北 |
2008.06 | Relationship between Online Game Addiction and User’s Liking of Design Features , International Conference on Information Technology and Application , Jun. 2008, Cairns, Australia |
2008.06 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 風險知覺與口碑傳播對消費者參與網路合購意願之相關分析 , 2008新媒體設計、傳播與科技應用國際學術研討會。台灣桃園 , Jun. 2008, 台灣桃園 |
2007.11 | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen), 從消費文化探討日本電玩之影響 , 2007台灣資訊社會研究學會年會暨論文研討會 , Nov. 2007, 台灣新竹 |
2007.05 | Beyond Literacy Ability: Another way to explore media literacy education , Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences , May. 2007, Hawaii, USA |
2006.10 | 以傳播理論探討數位落差現象與研究方向 , 2006數位落差與數位學習研討會 , Oct. 2006, 台灣台中 |
Project Title | Participator | Period |
社會行銷對年輕人抽菸行為的影響:台灣與印尼的比較分析 (Social Marketing to Influence Young Adults Tobacco Behavior: Comparison Study of Indonesia and Taiwan) (107-ASIA-UMY-03) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 2019.01 ~ 2019.12 |
AI對於新聞傳播的危脅挑戰與契機 (Threat, challenge, and turning point of AI for news communication) (MOST 108-2634-F-468-001 -) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 2019.01 ~ 2022.12 |
2016總統大選之臉書運用策略 (The strategies of Facebook use in the 2016 presidential elections) (104-asia-12) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 2015.04 ~ 2016.04 |
臉書的使用與避免」,亞洲大學 (The use and avoidance of the candidate Facebook page) (102-asia-48) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 2013.04 ~ 2014.04 |
社群網站是政治冷漠的良方? :以2012年總統大選之首投族為例 (Is Facebook that good for political campaigning? The example of first-time voters) (101-asia-32) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 2013.04 ~ 2014.04 |
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award (2021-2022) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 2012.01 ~ 2022.09 |
Award Name | Awarding Unit |
最佳創新教材獎 ( Award for Excellence in Innovative Teaching Material) | 本校 |
最佳創新教材獎 ( Award for Excellence in Innovative Teaching Material) | 本校 |
優秀導師獎 (Award for Excellence in Mentoring) | 本校 |
優秀教學獎 (Award for Excellence in Teaching) | 本校 |
優秀研究獎 (Award for Excellence in Research) | 本校 |
第二屆中部地區資訊專題成果競賽數位內容組佳作 | 中部地區四校聯賽主辦單位 |
2010年資訊傳播學術研討會最佳論文獎 (Award for the Excellent Conference Paper) | 資訊傳播學會 ( Information Communication Society) |
Category | Course Code | Course Title | Year |
研究所碩士班 | EP200053A | 傳播策略與行銷設計 | 113 |
大學日間部 | EP300053A | 傳播倫理與法規 | 113 |
大學日間部 | EP300053B | 傳播倫理與法規 | 113 |
Year | Research Title |
102 | 社群媒體資訊豐富度、成員知識分享與合購意願之關聯性研究 |
102 | 沉浸理論觀點檢視線上遊戲玩家之權力體現 |
Year | Project name | Advising professor | Student name |
108 | 針對假新聞的事實查核報告-比較國內外事實查核成果與資源應用 (Fact checking reports-compare the results of domestic and abroad fact checking and the application of resources) | 陳啟英 Chi-Ying Chen | 鄔凱璇 |
107 | 遊戲直播成癮 ( Onlie-game streaming addiction) | 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen) | 李省誼 |
106 | 網路直播會成癮嗎 (Is live webcasting behavior addictive?) | 陳啟英 (Chi-Ying Chen) | 張哲維 |
105 | 以電子書記錄傳承竹編文化與編織技法 (Inheriting bamboo weaving culture and weaving techniques by E-book) | 陳啟英 (Chi-Ying Chen) | 林秀庭 |