陈勇国  Yong-Kok Tan
状态 专任
姓名 陈勇国 Yong-Kok Tan
职称 讲师
学历 国立成功大学 电脑与通信工程博士班(进修中)
专长 医学资讯、远距教学、多媒体设计、 影音剪辑、网络行销
研究室 HB01
个人分机 6282
连结 教师历程档案教师个人网站在校时程表
年度 论文名称
2009 Yuh-Ming Cheng、Lih-Shyang Chen、Hui-Chung Huang、Sheng-Feng Weng、陈勇国(Tan Yong Kok), Building a General Purpose Pedagogical Agent in a Web-Based Multimedia Clinical Simulation System for Medical Education., IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol.2 no.3 pp.216-225, 2009
2009 Lih-Shyang Chen、Yuh-Ming Cheng、Sheng-Feng Weng、陈勇国(Tan Yong Kok), Applications of a Time Sequence Mechanism In the simulation Cases of a webbased Medical Problem-Based Learning System, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.12 no.1 pp.149-161, 2009
2005 Lih-Shyang CHEN、Yuh-Ming CHENG、Sheng-FengWENG、Chyi-Her LIN、陈勇国(Tan Yong Kok), A Computer-based Clinical Teaching-case system with Emulation of Time Sequence for Medical Education., IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E88-D no.5 pp.816-821, 2005
2001 Yu-Chuan Li、Hsu-Sung Kuo、Wen-Shan Jian、Dah-Dian Tang、Chien-Tsai Liu、Li Liu、Chien-Yeh Hsu、陈勇国(Tan Yong Kok), Building a Generic Architecture for Medical Information Exchange among Healthcare Providers., International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol.2001 no.61 pp.241-246, 2001
发表日期 论文名称
2015.07 陈勇国(Tan Yong Kok)、陈立祥(Lih-Shyang Chen)、陈文苓(Irene Wen-ling Chen), The Development of Internet eLearning Program in Pedagogical Photography Memory Training , 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends of Computer Science in Educational System ( ICETCSES 2015 ), Jul. 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2015.07 陈勇国(Tan Yong Kok)、陈立祥(Chen Lih-Shyang)、陈文苓(Irene Wen-ling Chen), eThe Development and Evaluation of Photography Memory Training through Internet eThe Development and Evaluation of Photography Memory Training through Internet eThe Development and Evaluation of Photography Memory Training through Internet eThe Developmen , 2015 International Conference on Frontiers Educational Technologies (ICFET 2015), Jul. 2015, Shanghai, China
2010.06 异步數位学习者身份认证研究 , 第九届離岛资讯技术与应用研讨会論文集, Jun. 2010, Shu Te University
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 EP300347A 影音制作技术 113
大学日间部 EP300347B 影音制作技术 113
大学日间部 EP300364A 媒体传播数据库制作与应用 113
大学日间部 EP300369A 影音传播数据库制作与应用 113
大学日间部 EP300248B 学辅时间(二) 113
转移名称 专利证书字号 转移单位 转移期间 负责人
农产品行销平台建置 TR00000108 资讯传播学系 及 懋聚生物科技有限公司 2019/07/01 ~ 2021/06/30 陈勇国 Yong-Kok Tan