The 2020 UK Time Higher Education (THE) Report revealed that Asia University (AU) and the China Medical University (CMU) enter the lists of the Life Sciences Ranking and the Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health Ranking in the 2020 World University Rankings. Particularly in the Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health Ranking, AU has jumped to the 461th position in the top 500 of the THE World University Rankings. This puts AU in the top spot in Taiwan, as well as in the world.
For a total of 775 universities included in the list of the Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health Ranking, the THE Report shows that AU and the CMU are ranked the 461th and 210th in the world, respectively. In particular, among 12 universities in Taiwan, the list indicates that AU is No. 9 in Taiwan, and is No. 2 in the private universities of Taiwan.
In the meanwhile, the Report reveals that a number of 821 universities around the world are elected into the list of Life Sciences Ranking, in which AU and the CMU are ranked the 614th and 473th, respectively. Among 16 universities in Taiwan which enter in the list, it shows that AU is No. 11 in Taiwan, and is No. 4 in the private universities of Taiwan. The above-mentioned international rankings highlight AU’s excellent research performance in the areas of medicine and other health subjects.

Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, the President of AU, said that AU and the CMU have complemented each other's strengths and shared their resources to serve the teaching and research for students since AU united with the CMU to form the China Asia Associated University (CAAU). Three years ago, the Asia University Hospital was established to provide high-quality health care services to the local and nearby areas. Moreover, the Precision Medicine Center at AU also cooperates with the CMU and colleges at AU, including the College of Medical and Health Science and the College of Information and Electrical Engineering, to help foster clinical medicine programs and life science researches. As a consequence, AU won four National Industrial Innovation Awards recently, showing great excellences in achievements.
“Promoting ‘Better Life, Better World’ is one of the important missions of a medical university” said Dr. Mien-Chie Hung, the President of the CMU. In order to achieve progress on the mission, the CMU made efforts in the research and development in the fields of cell therapy, AI-assisted medicine, genetic testing, and 3D printing, which yield excellent outcomes. In addition, the technologies have been transferred to three companies through a license agreement, and are granted five National Industrial Innovation Awards. As mentioned earlier, the CMU will continue to improve their knowledge and development in the aspects of long-term care, food and drug safety, and internet addiction & disease prevention to make life better.
AI has become one of core research and application areas in many countries. To get ahead of the competition, AU has tried the best to promote the use of AI in the aspects of education and research to students and faculties. For example, they utilize AI to improve internet addiction, analyze big data for disease prediction and prevention, apply machine learning and deep learning to identify medical images and genetic profiles, and even use the blockchain technology to solve security problems. These efforts were performed with excellent outcomes. Finally, the faculty members and students at AU will continue to improve their knowledge and accelerate their pace of internationalization to promote closer academic interactions with other research centers and international universities.